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About English for Moldova


The English for Moldova audio project is an exciting initiative by Peace Corps Volunteers in Moldova intended to provide audio recordings for the transcripts in the English Education Manuals. After the Ministry of Education in Moldova worked tirelessly on the development of new English material that featured improved grammar mechanics, practice exercises, and reading material, the teachers spent the first year getting used to the new books. However, one thing remained unfinished and that was the supplemental audio for the transcripts for each unit.


On this website please find the audio recordings for all of the transcripts for the new manuals (5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th Form). Each recording has a "download" option so that educators and students can save the material on to flash drives, personal folders, and other devices for safe keeping. The audio file database ( provides a helpful "hashtag" feature which allows us to highlight popular trigger words such as "#There is #There are" or '#by #buy' for different grammar structures (i.e. existential 'there' and homophones, respectively). The hashtags make it easy to compile a list of audio files that employ similar features!

We offer a hearty thanks to Peace Corps volunteers who dedicated their time, effort, and wonderful voices towards the successful completion of this comprehensive project; and to the teachers of English in Moldova for their partnership and for their dedication to the development of the English Language in Moldova. 

With the help of English Educators, both Moldovan and American, we will continue to develop this website as a hub for many more teacher and student resources for years to come!  


Our Humble Thanks, 


Peace Corps Moldova

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